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Defensive Pistol Operator: Level 1 $285
6 hours
This course is designed to lay the foundation for all future pistol courses we offer and focuses on safety and fundamentals.Subjects:Shooting range etiquette, range safety procedures and safety, loading and unloading, The 7 Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting, The 4 Count Draw.
Next course March 29, 2025
Defensive Pistol Operator: Level 2 $285
6 hours
This course is designed to further enhance your shooting skills. Review of the 7 Fundamentals and the 4 Count Draw.Subjects:speed vs. tactical reloads, cover vs. concealment, front sight focus vs. threat focus, clearing malfunctions, facing movements 45/90/180 degrees, multiple target engagement, natural point of aim.
Defensive Pistol Operator: Level 3 $285
6 hours
Note: This class will start late in the afternoon to ensure low light conditions.
This course will review levels 1 and 2 and add several new skills to the shooters “tactical toolbox”. Subjects: Shooting and moving vs. moving and shooting, drawing with non firing hand, the use of weapons lights/low light shooting, red dot vs. iron sights “pro’s and con’s”, incorporating verbal commands during a high intensity situation.
Defensive Carbine Operator: Level 1 $285
6 hours
This entry level course will introduce the students to the M4/AR15 shooting platform.
Subjects: Shooting range etiquette, range safety procedures and safety, loading and unloading, The seven Fundamentals of Carbine Shooting, “Up Drills”, choosing the proper optic, types of slings “pro’s and con’s”. Next course March 30, 2025
Defensive Carbine Operator: Level 2 $285
6 hours
This course will introduce more complex skills to the student. Review of the fundamentals will be covered. Subjects: Facing movements (45, 90, 180 degrees), multiple target engagement laterally and in-depth, controlled pairs, natural point of aim and more.
Defensive Carbine Operator: Level 3 $285
6 hours
A review of level 1 and 2. Subjects: Training scars and how to avoid them, proper target selection, precision vs. practical accuracy, low percentage shooting, proper choice of ammo, and more.
Scenario Based Training $285
6 hours
Our scenario-based firearms training offers students a critical and practical approach to enhancing shooting skills and tactical decision-making. Students will be immersed in realistic, high-pressure scenarios commonly experienced during a high intensity armed confrontation.This method bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application. Unlike static range practice, scenario-based training helps individuals develop critical thinking skills, improve reaction times, and adapt to unpredictable situations. Next course April 27, 2025
Close Quarters Battle (CQB): Level 1 $285
6 hours
This is an entry level CQB course. Subjects: The 4 Tenants of CQB, proper movement techniques, cover vs. concealment, actions at the threshold, 1 man vs. 2 man CQB, deliberate vs. dynamic clearing. Next course April 26, 2025
Close Quarters Battle (CQB): Level 2 $285
6 hours
This is an advanced course for those that have attended the Basic course. Subjects: The balance of speed vs. accuracy, CQB mindset, clearing hallways, clearing staircases, processing the room, team responsibilities, door procedures, dead space, proper set up of your weapon(s) for CQB operations and more.
Hostage Survival & Apprehension Avoidance $285
6 hours
This course is designed for those who travel abroad, high net worth individuals and anyone that may be exposed to the possibility of kidnapping. Subjects: The OODA Loop, The Color Code of Awareness, The RAS, How to spot hostile surveillance/threat identification, moving in a dangerous environment, escaping out of flex cuffs, tape and rope, protocols for being interrogated, and more.
Home Security Defensive Strategies $225
4 hours
This course is designed for the homeowner who wants to know how to better protect their family. Subjects: Soft vs. hard targets, proper interior and exterior lighting, proper signage, alarm systems, pistol vs. shotgun vs. carbine for home protection, how to respond to a threat while in your home, door and window integrity, and more.
Tactical Reality $225
4 hours
In this course will be discussing and addressing what really happens during a high intensity armed confrontation. Students will “deep dive” subjects like the OODA Loop, The Color Code of Awareness, The effects of an adrenaline dump, The RAS (Reticular Activating System), The Reactionary Gap and more. Students will be shown in real time how important it is to understand these critically important aspects of surviving a high intensity armed confrontation.
Defensive Knife Tactics and Strategies $285
6 hours
This course is designed for those individuals that carry a knife for self-defense. Subjects: Proper knife fighting mindset, the realities of a knife attack, fixed vs. folder, proper choice of a EDC knife, maintaining the reactionary gap, proper knife stance, proper knife grip, angles of attack, proper foot work and more.
How To Build a BOB (Bug Out Bag) $225
4 hours
This course is designed for those that want to have the capability to bug out on foot in the event of a disaster scenario. Subjects: What is a BOB? Choice of rucks, components of a well thought out BOB, what not to have in a BOB, weight considerations, the missing piece of a BOB rarely discussed, moving through rural and urban environments (The Gray Man), and more.
KIMS Games: The Art of Attention to Detail $285
6 hours
This course will teach an individual how to observe and retain highly detailed information. Students will participate in numerous versions of KIM’s games. As training goes on, so will the difficulty of the game. This is a skill taught to top tier military and government special operations units.

NOTE: Some Spartan Americana classes are offered in a Tiered format. All level 2 and 3 classes have a prerequisite requirement that must be completed before Students are allowed to attend. Basically, a level one class must be successfully completed before an individual would be able to attend a level 2 class, etc... The prerequisite class requirement may be waived for individuals that can provide proof of prior training, i.e., active or former military, law enforcement, or other credentials. Waiving of a prerequisite is determined on an individual basis and you should contact Spartan Americana as early as possible to see if you qualify.
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